The Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Short Video Competition Team won 1st Place in the Short Video Competition held by HIMAPROSMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen) Universitas Duta Bangsa. The team consisted of Yokanang Chandra Arfiansyah from the 2018 Natural Sciences (IPA) Education Study Program, Alvin Kurniawan from the 2019 Informatics and Computer Engineering Education (PTIK) , Salsabilla Aliyah from the 2019 Science Education Program, and Salsabila Noor Assyfa from Language Education. Indonesia batch 2019. The theme of the competition that they carried was “Creating Creativity and Time Management in the New Normal” to be submitted in a short video competition.
The video they made for one week with a duration of 6 minutes 9 seconds was uploaded on HIMAPROSMA’s youtube. And judging by the jury on February 5, 2021 with the results of 1st Place with the Title Optimize Your Time, Pandemic Stays Productive! Salsabila Noor Assyfa and group (Sebelas Maret University), 2nd place with the title Creating Business during the Covid-19 Pandemic Calvin Dwi Pratama and group (BSI Jakarta), 3rd Place with the title Covid ndang lungo o Widianto Prasetyo utomo and group (Universitas Duta Bangsa) , Favorite Champion with New Normal Era Innovation Title Berliana Noer Janah and group (Stikes Mamba’ul Ulum Surakarta).
In the process of making the video itself, there are obstacles because their homes are far from one another. Moreover, they certainly have their respective activities, meanwhile in making the video they have to record face-to-face with the team. So in drafting the concept of the video they did it online. However, their efforts were able to produce commensurate results by getting 1st place in the short video competition held by Duta Bangsa University.
Representing his friends, Salsabila hopes to continue to develop his abilities and participate in other competitions. “You can continue to develop, continue to follow the next race,” he concluded.
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