PTIK-UNS Profile

PTIK-UNS Profile

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta is an Educational Personnel Education Institution (LPTK) which has 24 study programs in 6 majors. Each study program has its own characteristics in producing superior, strong and intelligent educational staff.

The Informatics and Computer Technology Education (PTIK) study program is planned to take shelter in the management of the Engineering and Vocational Education (PTK) department. This placement revises our previous statement, where the PTIK study program is under the P.MIPA department. PTIK is a study program that will produce graduates who are prioritized to teach in vocational/vocational programs. So, it would be better if PTIK was under the PTK department which oversees vocational programs such as Building Engineering Education, and Mechanical Engineering Education. To meet the needs of lecturers in the field of information technology that cannot be met by the PTK department, PTIK will conduct resource sharing with the mathematics study program.

Under the auspices of the PTK department, the PTIK study program will focus on study materials in the field of vocational education in the field of information technology and computers. Departing from the focus of study materials in the field of vocational education in the field of information technology and computers, the PTIK study program curriculum is prepared on the basis of vocational education science and information technology and computer science. Educational Science Foundations (vocational education) are provided through educational subjects such as Education Fundamentals, Learning Technology, Educational Professions, Inclusive Education, Guidance and Counseling, and Student Development. This education field is given in all study programs at FKIP UNS as a group of Basic Educational Subjects (MKDK). In addition to courses included in the MKDK group, courses that support the professional duties of an educator are also given, such as Educational Evaluation, Learning Planning, and Teaching and Learning Strategies. Meanwhile, for the development of competence in the field of education, students are also provided with research subjects in the field of education, micro teaching and teaching practice (PPL). The curriculum in the education sector is also adapted to the existence of the PTIK study program under the CAR program which focuses on the field of vocational education (vocational education).

The courses that distinguish the PTIK study program from other study programs at FKIP UNS are in supporting professional competence courses that focus on the field of information technology and computer science. The group of courses that support professional competence include algorithms and programming, discrete mathematics, databases, operating systems, computer networks, computer architecture, computational theory, software engineering, web design and programming, and intelligent systems.