

The library is the most important supporting facility in the teaching and learning process. In addition to the library at the faculty level, each study program or BKK within the FKIP environment also has a library to make it easier for the academic community to obtain books, journals or other scientific works. The library at the faculty level and the library (reading room) in each study program or BKK always synergize to meet the needs of students in terms of providing references. Since 2008 library services have used the Digital Library System which makes it easier for library users to access science and technology.

The tools provided to support this are the use of UNSLA (Universitas Sebelas Maret Library Automatization) to find out the Author Catalog, Title Catalog and Subject Catalog. The types and materials of existing libraries are specially managed by the Faculty Library in the form of Indonesian and English text books with a total of 4,646 titles or 11,152 copies, the number of magazine collections with 42 titles or 1,152 copies and audio video materials. The average number of visitors per day is 90 students and the average number of borrowers per day is 80 people. Meanwhile, in each study program, there is a library with quite a large collection and is very useful for students in each study program.

In its development, the FKIP UNS library always tries to improve the quality of services and improve the existing physical conditions. The room in the Faculty Library has a size of 216 M2. The condition of the room is air-conditioned and equipped with carpet and available fire extinguishers, bright enough lights, sufficient air circulation and the availability of several fans and a reading room in the form of a lesehan and a table and chairs. There is also a discussion room in the library, although the function of this space is combined with the reading room.

After the implementation permit is obtained, the PTIK study program will provide a representative reading room with the needs of lectures in the PTIK study program. To meet the student’s need for references in the field of computers and education, this reading room will provide books on computer science, information technology, education and computer-assisted learning.