“Organizing excellent and innovative education, research, community service, and training at an international level, particularly in vocational education in the field of informatics and computer engineering, based on the noble values of national culture.”
Organizing education, training and guidance effectively to produce superior and innovative, highly competitive, independent and personality educators in the field of information and computer engineering based on the latest developments in science and technology;
Organizing research and development activities as an effort to improve the progress of science and technology, especially in the field of information technology and computer engineering;
Organizing community service activities as a form of sensitivity and concern in social life;
Develop cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions in the vocational field.
To produce graduates who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty with noble, intelligent and skilled personalities who are ready to become educators or professional education personnel with global insight in the field of information technology and computer engineering;
Producing new innovative products in the field of information technology and computer engineering, as well as disseminating science and technology through scientific publications;
Produce works of community service in the field of informatics and computer engineering that are able to solve problems in people’s lives;
Establish cooperation with institutions at home and abroad in the field of vocational education.
waaa lha ini yang saya tunggu 😀
semoga besok saya lulus tahun 2013 dan bisa ketrima disini 🙂
apalagi lewat jalur undangan amiin 😀
solo the spirit of java, ayoo anak solo 🙂
PTIK masuk dalam rumpun IPA
waaa lha ini yang saya tunggu 😀
semoga besok saya lulus tahun 2013 dan bisa ketrima disini 🙂
apalagi lewat jalur undangan amiin 😀
solo the spirit of java, ayoo anak solo 🙂
Angkatan pertama Prodi PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK INFORMATIKA DAN KOMPUTER ini mulai tahun ajaran berapa ya??
terima kasih..
Mulai angkatan 2012.