Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta students won a bronze medal in the Advanced Innovation Jam (AI-JAM) Japan 2019 event which was held at the Accenture Innovation Hub Tokyo, Sunday (12/8/2019).

This event is one of the largest international technological innovation competitions and exhibitions in Japan, attended by 159 participants, which is open to all countries, including the team from UNS, consisting of Nur Hijrah As Salam Al Ihsan (Informatics and Computer Engineering Education FKIP), Intan Wahyu Ningsih and Nada Hidayatus Sangadah (Physics FMIPA), and the theme of Rizan Mumtaza and Muhammad Nibraasuddin Aley Zulkarnaen (Informatics FMIPA).

The focus of AI-JAM is around technological innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Hardware, and Data Mining. So in the event, this team introduced an innovation in the form of an application called ‘Tuker Sampah’. The background of this innovation design is the widespread movement of converting waste into something of value. However, it is very unfortunate that these movements are not managed properly so that they do not become sustainable movements, in fact they often only become incidental movements.

The presence of the Tuker Sampah application is expected to be a bridge for these movements. There are three parties in this application, namely as waste producers, waste managers, and donors/agencies/communities who can give something as a result of exchanging points

The mechanism of this application is that when users use the application, they will go to one of the closest shelters to exchange trash. The type and amount of trash determines the points they will get. These points can be exchanged for various things of value, such as health services, cash money, tree seeds, climbing equipment, etc. depending on the user’s needs.

Regarding the nearest future, the development plan of this Tuker Sampah application will be specifically applied in mountainous areas. Especially Mount Lawu because it is a mountain with the closest and strategic distance from the geographical location of UNS so that it can be easier to test the realization of the initial stage. The mechanism for developing this application is that when a user (climber) finds trash, there are two options (take a photo to be sent in the application or take it). If the user chooses to take a photo, the user with the closest radius who wants to take the trash will find its location. If the user chooses to pick up the trash, when he arrives at the last basecamp, he can exchange it for climbing items according to the points earned.

The team is gradually developing the application and system. So they are very open to various parties who want to work together to realize their ideas. They also expect funds from investors and also the government in the process of developing this application.

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