Student Policies

Student Policies

Recruitment and Selection Tests for New Students

  1. Ministerial Regulation of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology No. 48 of 2022 on the Admission of New Students for Diploma and Bachelor Programs at State Universities [link].
  2. Government Regulation No. 66 of 2010 on the Management and Implementation of Education [link].
  3. Ministerial Regulation of Education and Culture No. 6 of 2020 on the Admission of New Students for Bachelor Programs [link].
  4. Rector’s Regulation of Universitas Sebelas Maret No. 3 of 2019 on the Requirements and Assessment of Outstanding Non-Academic Achievements in the Selection of New Students for Bachelor and Diploma Programs at Universitas Sebelas Maret [link].
  5. Rector’s Decree of UNS No. 18/H27/PP/2011 on the Admission Pathways and Capacity for New Students in Bachelor Programs (S1) at Universitas Sebelas Maret, consisting of SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and independent pathways with established quotas [link].
  6. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 31 of 2020 on the Implementation and Management of Bachelor Programs [link].
  7. Decree of the Dean of FKIP UNS No. 1808.1/UN27.02/HK04/2021 on the Admission and Testing of Prospective New Students for FKIP UNS [link].

Student Services and Development Programs

  1. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 383 of 2017 provides payment facilities for the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) for students who graduate on time [link].
  2. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 745 of 2017 regulates the awarding of achievements to outstanding students of UNS in categories of interests, talents, and reasoning [link].
  3. Rector’s Decree of UNS No. 787/UNS/HK/2019 establishes academic awards in the field of reasoning for students of Universitas Sebelas Maret [link].
  4. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 39 of 2020 regulates the acceptance of new students through the SM II pathway [link].
  5. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 26 of 2020 regulates student organizations at UNS [link].
  6. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 28 of 2020 relates to the awarding of student achievement awards [link].
  7. Rector’s Decree of UNS No. 1609 of 2020 regulates the Student Creativity Program (PKM) [link].
  8. Rector’s Decree of UNS No. 1642 of 2020 regarding funding assistance for the Digitalpreneur Start-Up Contest [link].
  9. Rector’s Decree of UNS No. 12222 of 2020 regarding funding assistance for entrepreneurs [link].
  10. Rector’s Regulation of UNS No. 18 of 2020 provides relief for UKT during the Covid-19 pandemic [link].