Curriculum Policies

Curriculum Policies

  • Law Number 12 of 2012 on Higher Education. Article 35, paragraph 1 explains the higher education curriculum. [link]
  • Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 3 of 2020 on National Standards for Higher Education. The study duration and workload for undergraduate students are mentioned in Article 18. The fulfillment of the study workload for undergraduate students can be achieved by participating in the entire learning process within the Study Program at the Higher Education Institution in accordance with the study duration and workload. Article 41, paragraph 2 explains the obligation of Study Programs to develop curricula and learning plans. The Study Program is responsible for implementing the management standards and curriculum development, which should be based on philosophical, psychological, historical, and legal foundations. [link]
  • Rector’s Regulation of Universitas Sebelas Maret Number 31 of 2020 on the Implementation and Management of Undergraduate Programs. This Rector’s Regulation governs the management of Study Programs at Universitas Sebelas Maret, covering provisions on competencies, study duration and workload, learning management, student community service programs and internships, as well as the final project or thesis. [link]
  • Rector’s Decree of Universitas Sebelas Maret Number 787/UN27/HK/2019 on Academic Awards for Student Reasoning Activities. This Rector’s Decree serves as the basis for the recognition of students’ academic and non-academic activities in the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program. [link]
  • Academic Senate Regulation No. 19 of 2021 on the Implementation of Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM). The UNS Academic Senate Regulation serves as a guideline for the university in planning, establishing, implementing, supervising, and evaluating MBKM activities. [link]
  • Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation Number 53 of 2023 on Quality Assurance of Higher Education. [link]