Student Activity Units


The Sebelas Maret University Student Activity Unit is a place for student activities outside the classroom to develop certain interests, talents and skills. This institution is a partner of other intra-campus student organizations such as the student senate and student executive bodies, both at the level of study programs, majors, and universities. This institution is autonomous, and is not a branch of the executive body or the student senate

Sebelas Maret University Student Executive Board is an intra-campus student organization which is an executive institution at the university level.



The Student Council of Sebelas Maret University is a representative institution, where students express their aspirations and voice their interests. Through this institution, policies will be issued which form the basis for university leaders, the president of BEM in running the wheels of government, which are realized in the form of laws.


Sebelas Maret University Scouts Gudep Surakarta 04,555 & 04.550 has a secretariat in the Grha UKM UNS building. Annual routine activities that are often carried out include being Paskibraka during the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which was held at UNS. In addition, there are Leadership and Management Development Training (LPKM), Surakarta Enforcement Scout Work Gathering (TKPPS) and others.

Garba Wira Bhuana  Sebelas Maret University is a nature lover organization that has been around for a long time in UNS, since 1977. This organization aims to protect, preserve and love the universe and its contents. Social and cultural activities are also included in the GWB agenda in addition to the love of nature (mountaineering, caving, rock climbing, rafting, the environment and others).

Keluarga Solid Mahasiswa Bidikmisi  Sebelas Maret University or more commonly referred to as (Komadiksi Smart) is an organization that aims to improve the achievements of students who receive Bidikmisi assistance and contribute in accordance with the tri dharma of higher education. As a forum for gathering, organizing, being creative, dedicated, and achieving in order to improve the quality of students receiving Bidikmisi assistance.

LPM (Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa) Kentingan Sebelas Maret University is a student organization that houses students who have an interest in the world of the press or writing. LPM Kentingan UNS was established on December 21, 1993 at the UNS Surakarta campus.


The UNS Robotics Team is a student organization that facilitates the development of technology, especially in the field of robotics. TRUNS channels and develops the interests, talents and creativity of UNS students in the fields of robotics, electronics and instrumentation.


SIM (Studi Ilmiah Mahasiswa) is a Student Activity Unit that is engaged in reasoning and research-based scientific fields at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta (UNS). SIM UNS continues to grow and grow to spur the development of the scientific climate at UNS and also as a place to study and study interdisciplinary scientific studies at UNS.


The Voca Erudita Student Choir at Sebelas Maret University (PSM Voca Erudita UNS) is a forum for student activities engaged in the arts, especially choral art. PSM Voca Erudita UNS itself has become one of the prides of UNS and the city of Solo and even Indonesia. With the various achievements that have been achieved, Voca Erudita has contributed to the name of UNS, the City of Solo, and Indonesia on the world stage.

Badan Koordinasi Kesenian Tradisional Sebelas Maret University is a forum for UNS student activities who have interests, talents, and desires to develop traditional arts which are a combination of creativity, taste and initiative of the nation itself through communication and art appreciation. Over time, BKKT UNS is not always stagnant in traditional arts. BKKT UNS is also engaged in developing contemporary art but still guided by traditional Javanese art.

Seni Religi (SR) is a university-level student activity unit (UKM) engaged in religious arts. This UKM is one of the new UKM, which was legalized on January 22, 2018. Seni Religi aims to form musicians who are intellectual and sensitive to global artistic developments. Until now, SR has developed religious arts in the form of hadroh and saman dance, both of which have participated in various events with various levels and categories.

The Marching Band of Sebelas Maret University is a forum for student activities engaged in the arts, especially music. Routine activities carried out by the UNS Marching Band are Member Recruitment (Open Recruitment), DIKSAR Musik (Basic Music Training), LATAL (Natural Exercise), welcoming new students, and so on.


Merpati Putih Sebelas Maret University is one of the empty-handed (betako) martial arts colleges. The meaning of the white dove itself is an abbreviation in the Javanese language, namely Patitising Tindak Pusakane Titising Hening, which means “Seeking until you find the truth in tension.” So that its members are expected to harmonize their hearts and minds in all their actions.

Perisai Diri, Universitas Sebelas Maret is a place for martial arts that is part of the Indonesian National Silat Family. Perisai Diri or more familiarly known as Perisai Diri is one of the UKM in UNS in the form of martial arts. Preserving and developing high-quality Indonesian Silat martial arts in accordance with the nature of the Indonesian personality, is a vision and mission to be upheld to jump-start self-defense according to the Indonesian basis.

Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Football & Futsal UKM is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) that accommodates students who have interests and talents in soccer & futsal. This UKM was founded in 2016, although it is relatively new, the interest of students to join football UKM is very large. So that until now these SMEs are growing rapidly and have also won many achievements in the regional and national arenas.

Taekwondo Sebelas Maret University is a modern martial art that has Korean roots. This UKM has a vision to develop Taekwondo martial arts, especially in the UNS environment. Accommodating the creativity of self-potential development in terms of organization is one of its missions.


Tapak Suci is one of the traditional martial arts native to Indonesia. Tapak Suci Sebelas Maret University (UNS) is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) at UNS which was established on September 20, 2002. Until now, this self-defense UKM has succeeded in producing athletes who excel at national events as well as international events.


UKM Badminton UNS is one of the student activity units located on the Sebelas Maret University campus, Surakarta. The UNS Badminton UKM secretariat is located at the Porsima Building 1st Floor on the UNS campus, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 57126.


It is one of the UKM that accommodates one of the martial arts branches at UNS, namely Karate. Martial arts from Japan which means “empty hands”.



UKM Shorinji Kempo is a Student Activity Unit for Kempo self-defense at Sebelas Maret University Surakarta which has been established since July 7, 1997 initiated by Sensei Drs. Zulkifli Nasution who is currently at level VI AND. In the Shorinji Kempo UNS UKM, there are many routine activities, one of which is the Gashuku and Level Advancement Examination (UKT) which aims as self-development activities for UKM members.

Korp Suka Rela of the Indonesian Red Cross, Sebelas Maret University is a forum for student activities engaged in the field of red cross, social, humanitarian, and community service. Its work program is not only intended for community service, but also for developing the quality of members. Various trainings at the internal, local and national levels are held so as to create volunteers with adequate abilities and have a high social spirit.

Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik of Sebelas Maret University (KMK UNS) consists of Catholic students at UNS. At the faculty level, students get spiritual experience activities, while UNS KMK activities are a real form of community service. Family ties at KMK can be said to be great. This can be seen in the solidarity and wisdom that is put forward for every problem that occurs.


Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen of Sebelas Maret University (PMK UNS) consists of Christian students at UNS. PMK UNS is a place for spiritual development and training for Christian students. The regular agenda is the General Fellowship (Joint Fellowship of PMK-PMK in UNS) and the Morning Prayer Fellowship which is held every Friday.


Jamaah Nurul Huda Islamic Student Activity Unit of Sebelas Maret University as a forum for student activities with a focus on developing Islamic spirituality. JN UKMI is committed to being a solution and suppressing the moral decadence of the nation’s children. The vision of JN UKMI, namely: as a National Campus Da’wah Institution (LDK) and a facilitator of the transformation of Islamic values in order to shape the campus environment and the academic community that are affiliated with Islam in order to welcome a civilized Indonesia.

Ilmu Al Qur’an UNS  which is a Student Activity Unit is engaged in the Qur’anic sciences. Guidance on reading the Qur’an and improving the recitation of the Qur’an (Tahsin), memorizing the Qur’an (Tahfidz), fahmil Qur’an, calligraphy, and the art of reading the Qur’an (Qiro’ah) are facilities provided to facilitate students in studying the Qur’an.


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